Melaka Declaration on Disaster Risk Reduction in Malaysia 2011
National Disaster Awareness Day
Melaka, 18–19 February 2011
We, participants of the Disaster Awareness Day 2011 in Melaka on 18 – 19 February 2011 are,
Concerned by the increasing consequences of disasters in the country affecting and threatening human life and development gains;
Aware of the changing nature of disaster risk in the country brought about by climate variability and change and the increased vulnerability of communities to disasters;
Appreciating the initiatives of the national, state and local governments initiatives on disaster risk reduction (DRR), in line with the Hyogo Framework for Action 2005 – 2015 (HFA);
Recognising the Second Session of the Global Platform for Disaster Risk Reduction 2009, which calls for
“reduced risks for all” as well as the need to scale up commitment and promote innovative approaches to reduce disaster risk to achieve the HFA goals;
Noting the Kuala Lumpur Declaration on Disaster Risk Reduction in Asia 2008, which calls for strengthened efforts on DRR, including public-private partnership, multi-stakeholder involvement and empowerment of local governments, mobilisation of resources, public awareness and education, keeping health facilities safe from disasters and integration of climate change adaptation (CCA);
Acknowledging recent global and regional developments, which are expected to further the cause of DRR in Malaysia, such as the World Disaster Reduction Campaign (“Making Cities Resilient: My City is Getting Ready” and “One Million Safe Schools and Hospitals Initiative”), Incheon Regional Roadmap and Action Plan for Disaster Risk Reduction through Climate Change Adaptation, and the ASEAN Agreement on Disaster Management and Emergency Response (AADMER);
Recognising that governments have responsibility to augment efforts for reducing risks of disasters, and the need to integrate and harmonise initiatives through a national coordinating mechanism with participation of other stakeholders and networks;
Supporting the theme and aims of the Disaster Awareness Day 2011;
DO HEREBY call on national, state and local DRR stakeholders:
On national mechanism for disaster management: to encourage development of legal and institutional
arrangements; to strengthen human resource and capacity for DRR efforts; to integrate DRR into development planning; to enhance coordination and collaboration among stakeholders; to promote the use of technology in support of early warning, multi-hazards risk assessment, and climate modelling and downscaling.
On role of local authorities for DRR: to strengthen local capacity to integrate climate and disaster risk
into local development planning; to promote effective implementation of laws, policies and guidelines; to advance multi-stakeholder partnerships, intensify efforts in collaborative research and encourage community based actions to enhance the resilience of cities.
On mainstreaming DRR in education: to promote systematic integration of DRR into school curriculum
and training of teachers and education officers; to enhance non-formal education and effect behavioural changes; to ensure proper dissemination of information and materials; to recognise and share indigenous knowledge and good practices for achieving sustainability.
On schools and hospitals safe from disasters: to raise awareness about safe schools and hospitals; to be
prepared in case of and after emergencies and disasters; to remain accessible, functional and operational at maximum capacity when most needed; to contribute time, effort or resources in making schools and hospitals safe; to provide support in building and/or retrofitting schools, hospitals and education and health facilities to meet disaster resilient standards; to ensure availability, preparedness and fitness of human resources and to reduce their risk exposure and vulnerability.
Invite the Malaysian delegation to carry the messages in this Declaration to the Third Session of the Global Platform on Disaster Risk Reduction in May 2011, Fifth Asian Ministerial Conference on Disaster Risk Reduction in 2012 and beyond.
Endeavour to report on progress made in implementing the HFA at the Third Session of the Global Platform on Disaster Risk Reduction in May 2011, including the Global Assessment Report 2011, and beyond.
Galvanise the establishment of a national platform and comprehensive legal framework for disaster management in Malaysia with other stakeholders.
Call upon all stakeholders to advocate, lead and champion actions on DRR, particularly in keeping education and health facilities safe from disasters and making cities resilient.
Adopt, wherever appropriate, recommendations from this Declaration in implementing the National Policy on Climate Change.
Engage with international and regional organisations and other countries for the provision and exchange of expertise, technical support and good practices to accelerate implementation of HFA.
ADOPTED in Melaka on 19 February in the year 2011.